In Nottingham’s bustling centre there are a variety of quirky independent brands and shops that understand the marketing power of a strong visual identity. Having a clear, yet cohesive and easily recognizable branding this takes root from the kiss analogy in design – the simpler and refined a logo gets to, ultimately it is about capturing the essence of the brand – the company ethos, personality and client especially.
Examining The Specialty Coffee shop just located on 50 Friar Ln, Nottingham NG1 6DQ there is a strong bohemian-vibe to the interior and the graphical elements. Speaking the owner on previous visits, Michelangelo and his partner Lucy they are very passionate about their business and the facilitation of specialist coffees. The bohemian inspired decor interior within the place, creates a relaxing ambience and atmosphere - perfect for those busy commuters and professionals looking for respite from their busy schedules. Just below are a few snippets of the outside shop signage/frontage the whole – the use of white and minimalism consistently used throughout helps establish a calming feel.
Just the outside of the shop. Located on Nottingham, 50 Friar Ln, Nottingham NG1 6DQ.
Their instagram feeds where you can see owners Michaelangelo and Lucy showcase earthy sourced imagery promoting their passion for coffee! Customers/regulars also get involved with tagging their watery beverage @thespecialitycoffeeshop. The photos promote their ethos and story, as seen from their website This is a great addition to their homepage, giving visitors a glimpse into their passion and business.
Moving onto the 200 Degrees logo here for example, you can see minimal use of line work, a focal point on the numerical number alongside subtle textures. Being a minimal design, it is easier to identify and it's appeal is more wide-spread than something more historical. The world is affiliated with Starbucks & Neros/Costa and how, these behemoth chains operate and yet how identifiable their logos are – to create a timeless logo is to strip back to the essence of core themes/ideas associated with the brand. Applying this method ultimately is about extraction and eliminating unnecessary elements or ornamentation, which may detract the reasoning behind the design. For 200 Degrees its the colour, texture, earthy palettes bring association to the coffee/baristas and the quality of craftsmanship that goes into each cup.
Gaining further inspiration looking at Yumchaa's Teas and the simplicity of their contemporary logo design. Seen here (below) this remains wholly consistent throughout their online site and social media. Introducing witty design techniques to clearly establish to their audience of what they are all about! Simplicity really is the ultimate sophistication when it comes to producing a contemporary brand.
Yumchaa's official logo icon - for Twitter/instagram and social media.
The head of steam outside signage just opposite the Nottingham Contemporary and Pitcher & Piano. This design similarly with 200 Degrees makes great use of rustic earthy tones, playing on the visual senses back to the industrial past. Having a cog around the main type gives an anchor to the typography and forces the eye to the centre.
The Head of Steam is located on 7 High Pavement, Nottingham NG1 1HF. Website : -